In Motion

Preventative Tips for First-Time Racers


Preparing for your first running race can be overwhelming—even more so when you are worried about recovering from an injury. Follow these tips from the sports medicine doctors at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics to avoid a training or race day injury:

  • Know your limits. Listen to your body. If something starts to hurt, you should stop.

  • Warm up. Begin each run by walking and warming up your muscles.

  • Strength train. Perform strength training exercises on a regular basis to keep your body balanced.

  • Stretch. Your hamstrings and quadriceps should be stretched following every run.

  • Pick your path carefully. Run on an even surface to avoid losing your balance or twisting an ankle.

Long distance running can be tough on your body, but if you take care of yourself, you can prevent injury.

“Making sure to rest your body and taking at least one day off each week can help a runner entering his or her first race stay safe and enjoy the racing experience,” says Dr. Jeryl J. Wiens, sports medicine doctor at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics.

If you’re experiencing pain or muscle soreness leading up to the race, use RICE to get back on track before the race. Resting and applying ice for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, several times a day, is crucial. Elevating your injured area will limit swelling, while compression can reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.

If you have questions about preparing for your first race, call Sierra Pacific Orthopedics at (877) 666-6080 to schedule an appointment with one of our sports medicine doctors today. "Like" Sierra Pacific Orthopedics on Facebook and follow @SPOC_Ortho on Twitter for additional injury prevention tips.


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