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What’s the Cause Behind My Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain is a common complaint heard in many doctors’ offices. Like any medical problem, receiving a proper diagnosis for the cause of the pain is important; as it helps determine the proper treatment method. Here is a list of causes of shoulder pain, along with signs that you should seek medical attention for your pain.

Bursitis or Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
This is the most common cause of shoulder pain. Either the tendons or the bursa in the shoulder are inflamed.

Rotator Cuff Tear
This painful condition occurs when the tendons of the rotator cuff separate from the bone.

Frozen Shoulder
This condition leads to a very stiff shoulder joint and is also known as ‘adhesive capsuliitis.’

Shoulder Instability
Often caused by a traumatic injury, instability can cause the joint to be loose. This can also be a developed condition.

This condition is less common than arthritis in the hip or knee, but if it is severe enough, could require replacement of the joint.

Signs that you should consult a physician:

"It is important to remember that proper treatment of shoulder pain relies on a proper diagnosis of the cause of the pain," says Mark L. Schamblin, M.D., a shoulder specialist at SCOI. If you are unsure of the cause of your pain, medical attention should be sought out before beginning treatment. Specialists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute can assess your symptoms and come up with a custom treatment program to fit your needs. To make your appointment, call (877) 952-8484 or visit the appointment page on our Web site.

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