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Traveling? Lug Your Luggage Wisely

It can happen in a snap: You’re loading your car to leave for holiday vacation, you’re in a hurry, you bend over to pick up your suitcase and … WHAM! A sharp, knee-buckling pain hits your lower back. This holiday season, slow down and take extra care when you pack, load, and travel to avoid injuring or re-injuring yourself.

More than 49,100 luggage-related injuries were treated at hospital emergency rooms, doctors' offices, and clinics in 2004, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Common injuries are to the back, neck, and shoulders, which often result from the mismanagement of heavy, over-packed luggage.

The following are tips to help avoid strains and other pains when you travel:

If you hurt yourself while lifting a suitcase or other heavy object, call Southern California Orthopedic Institute today at (877) 933-3387 to schedule a consultation with a physician.

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