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Dance Injuries: Types, Causes, and Prevention

Determining whether or not dancing is a sport can be controversial, but one thing that is indisputable is the fact that injuries occur while dancing. In fact, dancers have the same amount of risk for an injury as a football player. Learn what types of injuries dancers can endure, causes of those injuries, and what can be done to prevent them.

As dancers age, the continuous practice of movements that involve endurance, strength, and flexibility can lead to overuse injuries, something the specialists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute see often.

The types of injuries that dancers endure range from the foot and ankle to lower back and hip. The lower extremities see a particularly high amount of sprains, strains, and tendon injuries.

“The injuries sustained by dancers are generally caused by the frequency of performances and classes,” says Dr. Robert Gazmarian, orthopedic specialist with Southern California Orthopedic Institute. “Other causes include inadequate equipment or poor conditions such as the floor you’re dancing on.”

Southern California Orthopedic Institute suggests the following to prevent dancing injuries:

If you’re interested in learning more about dancing injuries or other types of overuse injuries, contact the specialists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute by calling (877) 952-8484.

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