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Tips for Preventing Falls in Later Life

Simply being afraid of falling can affect mobility and independence. A study published in the April 2008 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that 60 percent of 673 older community–dwelling adults who said they were worried about falling avoided everyday activities, such as shopping, bathing, walking outdoors, and visiting relatives and friends. Learning some preventative tips will help keep you on your feet.

What you can do to prevent falls:
If you're concerned about falling, have your physician assess your situation, prescribe a plan to put you on a safe track, and help set your mind at ease. Your physician can evaluate your gait (how steadily you walk), the sensation in your feet, your medications, your vision, and your muscle power. Additionally, your clinician may refer you to a physical therapist or another professional who can suggest anti-falling techniques and ways to improve the safety of your home.

To avoid falls, try some of these proven strategies:

For more information on tips for avoiding falls, or to schedule an appointment with a specialist, contact Southern California Orthopedic Institute at (877) 952-8484.

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