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Arthritis and H1N1 – What You Should Know

The H1N1 virus has taken quite a toll on the U.S. population and health system in the last year. Since August, almost 38,000 people have been hospitalized and over 1,700 deaths have occurred as a result of the virus. People who suffer from certain types of arthritis could be at a higher risk of getting the disease. If you are one of more than 40 million Americans with arthritis, there are a few things you should know.

People who suffer from inflammatory or systemic arthritis or autoimmune rheumatic disease are more likely to contract an infection, including the flu. When people with these types of diseases get the flu, they are also more likely to have complications which may require hospitalization.

The reason arthritis sufferers are more susceptible to the flu is because certain medications they often take can weaken their immune system. If taking immunosuppressive drugs (such as DMARDs, TNF Blockers, or corticosteroids), the immune system is weakened. Below are some tips on boosting your immune system if you have arthritis:

If you have more questions regarding arthritis and the H1N1 virus, call the specialists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute. You can request an appointment by visiting our Web site, or by calling (877) 933-3387.

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