In Motion

What You Need to Know About MCL Injuries


As one of the four stabilizing ligaments in the knee, the medial collateral ligament or MCL, located on the inner side of the knee joint, attaches the shinbone to the thighbone. This ligament is important for keeping the knee joint stable and allows for movement of the knee.

The MCL is most commonly injured in contact sports but can also be injured in noncontact activities, such as quickly changing direction while running. Injuries of the MCL can range from a minor sprain to a complete tear of the ligament. If you tear the MCL, you may notice symptoms such as swelling in the knee, difficulty with movement of the knee, pain along the inside of the knee, and joint instability.

To diagnose an injury of the MCL, your doctor will discuss the injury and the symptoms you are experiencing and will examine your knee. Your doctor may also use an imaging study, such as an X-ray or MRI, to diagnose the severity of the injury.

Most MCL injuries can be treated through conservative, nonsurgical treatment methods such as R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation), bracing the knee, and physical therapy.

To learn more about MCL injuries and treatment, schedule an appointment with one of our knee experts at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics by calling (559) 257-4107.


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