In Motion

How to Avoid an ACL Injury


The most common knee injury among athletes is a torn ACL. The anterior cruciate ligament is one of four major ligaments that provide stability to the knee joint. The fibrous bands attach bone to bone and help to limit excessive movement of the knee joint, preventing hyperextension.

ACL injuries tend to be common in sports that involve a sudden change in direction, like soccer, football, and basketball.

A sudden twisting motion, when an athlete’s foot is planted in one direction and their knee turns the other direction, is a common cause of an ACL tear.

The majority of ACL repairs that occur each year are performed on athletes under the age of 25. But our sports medicine specialists at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics have several suggestions to keep athletes on the field this fall.

Athletes can reduce their risk of ACL injuries by following a series of prevention steps. It’s important for athletes to stretch and warm up prior to any conditioning, practice, or game. Exercises that involve balance, plyometrics, and agility will help strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, making the ACL and other ligaments less likely to tear.

For more information on ACL injury prevention, or to speak with one of our sports medicine experts at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics, call (559) 257-4107.


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