In Motion

The Benefits of Arthroscopic Knee Surgery


Arthroscopy is used to diagnose a variety of knee problems, such as a torn meniscus or a misaligned patella, or to repair the ligaments of the joint. There are limited risks to the procedure, and the outlook is good for most patients. Your recovery time and prognosis will depend on the severity of your knee problem and the complexity of the required procedure; however, the recovery time is typically shorter than a traditional surgery.

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is a reliable way to diagnose and correct knee problems. The primary benefit is that you are able to return to a pain-free life with full knee mobility shortly after the procedure. Technical advances, which include high-definition monitors and high-resolution cameras, have made arthroscopy a very effective tool for treating knee problems.

Exercising your knee regularly for several weeks after surgery is key. This will restore your range of motion and strengthen the muscles of your leg and knee. You will begin physical therapy to help with the strengthening of your knee.

Most patients can return to their normal activities six to eight weeks after surgery. However, the amount of time and energy you dedicate to your physical therapy exercises will determine how quickly you are able to return to your normal activities.

To learn more about knee arthroscopy, schedule an appointment with one of our knee doctors at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics by calling (559) 257-4107.


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